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After analysing our audience research about the song we have chosen and potential ideas we can use, we discovered some really interesting information that should hopefully allow us to create a music video that will appeal to our target audience for indie-pop. The majority of the people we interviewed were females aged between 16 and 18 because this is the specific niche audience that we are trying to appeal to. There was very little point asking people older or younger because they wouldn't be as effective. However we did ask a mother with children aged around our target audience in order to gage what she thought they'd like and her feedback did actually support the previous research we had conducted.  We also asked a handful of males because we didn't want the feedback to biased and one sided because there may be males out there who may also enjoy listening to indie-pop music and may already be a fan of our chosen artist, Lauren Aquilina.


A question we asked was what indie artists do you currently listen to, we asked this because it allows a wider spectrum of answers to be given and if somebody likes indie-rock they are likely to enjoy indie-pop too. The most popular answer was James Bay and this isn't surprising because he is up & coming and appears on numerous TV shows and earlier in the year he was really well promoted and successfully marketed himself. I was slightly surprised by some of the popular results including The 1975 and Imagine Dragons because they seem to be popular when they are in the charts but I don't see them appear on many chat shows unlike Ed Sheeran and Florence and the Machine. It was also interesting to see some of the answers people gave us on their interpretation of who an indie artist is. For instance when I was doing my research I never identified Rachel Platten as an indie-pop artist and I really enjoy her music and we could therefore use certain elements of her music video too because many of the shots used in her 'fight song' video are landscape shots and we also plan on using them too. The feedback from this question supported the music videos we analysed because it highlighted that we analysed videos that were popular with our target audience and therefore the conventions will be conventional. 


The second question we asked was 'what do you expect to see in a music video performed by an indie artist?' The most popular answers included story telling, performance, guitars and varied landscape shots. In our music video we plan on performing the music video to keep with stereotypical conventions of a music video but we are not making it narrative based because we thought it may look slightly cliché and therefore we are using concept and performance based elements. Additionally, the appearance of an acoustic guitar may be a good idea if we could source one because many indie artists can play it, including Ellie Goulding, James Bay and Ed Sheeran and they are all extremely popular indie artists. We are also going to use a variety of landscape shots because it is quite enigmatic but gives a peaceful look and allows the audience to invision themselves in the situation.


When we asked our third question about whether the music video should be performance, concept or narrative based the feedback came back quite equally and has given us quite a free ability to create any based music video and we have chosen concept and performance and this has changed from our original idea from having narrative and performance based because we thought the narrative is slightly cliché. However the concept element will have a slight narrative element to it but none of the storyline will make sense. 


As a group we thought that we could ask what hobbies our listeners enjoyed doing, in an attempt to make the music video relatable and to allow personal relationships to be created between the audience and the character, as well as for personal idenity to be identified so that the music video and song has a deeper meaning for the audience. Dance, horse riding and listening to music were popular responses and are possible themes we could include in our music video, however dancing, which was also suggested in our focus group, may be less of a possibility. 


The final question we asked was whether the music video should amplify the lyrics and the majority vote was that the music video should indeed amplify the lyrics and this suggests that our music video should make sense with the lyrics being sung. This is something we planned on doing but without using a narrative element because the concept part of the music video will replace our original idea of using narrative because we decided it would look more professional to use concept because it less likely used. We are therefore using stereotypical conventions of a indie-pop music video, but in a less cliché way. 




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